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1ST Beginners Goalie Workshop

Coinciding with the start of the Senior Men's and Women's League, the Spanish Lacrosse Association organized the First Beginner’s Goalie Workshop.

The idea of this workshop arose this past October at the 2022 Spanish Cup, in response to the request from several players who needed a basic theoretical and practical workshop on the goalie position.

The workshop was designed by Lyndsey Muñoz, professional goalie coach, and was led by Cristina Grijalba, General Director of AEL and 1st women's lacrosse goalkeeper in Spain and Lukas Krauss, American goalkeeper for Madrid Lacrosse.

Many Spanish teams play with a rotation of goalkeepers due to the lack of players that permanently play this position. The experience of playing goalie, with basic knowledge of the position can be interesting and enriching for all players.

Learning some helpful tricks, positioning, rules, strengths and weaknesses of the position, how goalies think and what things to focus on... helps them to play goalie more confidently. Additionally, field players that have some basic goalkeeping knowledge are able to use that to their advantage to play more strategically in their normal position.

Our first Beginner’s Goalie Workshop was a complete success, with all available spots filled.The participants also gave positive feedback overall, recommending it to all Lacrosse enthusiasts who want to learn goalie fundamentals and highlighting Cristina and Lukas’ professionalism.

The AEL would like to thank the Give and Go Foundation, LPF Leveling the Playing Field and World Lacrosse for their help in providing us with the goalie equipment necessary to give this workshop.

Our idea is that this workshop eventually reaches all regions and lacrosse players in Spain so they can share this unique experience and help them grow and evolve as lacrosse professionals.



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